Published On: 03/16/2021Categories: Agbiosciences, Talent

Butler University Opens Student Food Pantry

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Butler University has launched a student food pantry in an effort to help alleviate food insecurity on campus. The Butler Food Pantry opened earlier this month in Atherton Union and is staffed by student members of the university’s Volunteer Center.

Butler says the pantry provides free, nonperishable food packages for any student who needs assistance.

“Combating food insecurity is an important way for us to support student success and ensure all students can thrive,” says Dr. Frank Ross, vice president for student affairs. “The Butler Food Pantry meets a fundamental need, enabling students to focus on what matters most: a robust educational experience. Students nationwide are facing food insecurity, and that need has been exacerbated by the pandemic. I am grateful that the Food Pantry is here to serve and support Butler students’ holistic well-being.”

According to the College & University Food Bank Alliance, approximately 30% of college students experience food insecurity. Additionally, Butler says recent surveys administered by its Division of Student Affairs have shown food insecurity impacts students at Butler.

The university says food packages, which are distributed on Wednesdays and Fridays every other week, are available to all Butler students who can request one box per distribution week.

“This resource is vital when we think about a person’s basic needs—what they need to be successful in their everyday lives, academic lives, and co-curricular lives,” said Caroline Huck-Watson, executive director of student involvement & leadership at Butler. “The ability to help students supplement those needs, and hopefully to remove some of the stress that’s involved with food insecurity, is so important.”

Butler says the Volunteer Center will maintain the privacy of students who utilize the food pantry, and all staff members have signed confidentiality agreements.