$100,000 Purdue Ag-Celerator Callout: September 7

The Ag-Celerator aims to offer critical startup support for Purdueinnovators who wish to commercialize intellectual property or Purdue“know-how” that impacts the agricultural industry.
A selected company or companies will receive early seed-stage fundingand assistance that will put them in a better position to gain customers, develop partners & secure additional investment.
FALL 2021 Application Deadline:
September 20, 2021
Questions? Email pvinfo@prf.org
Investment: The Ag-Celerator will invest up to $ I00,000 per semester on a competitive basis. Specific investment amounts will be determined based on Company “ask” and selection committee deliberations.
Who: The Purdue Next Moves program now allows us to open up this unique funding opportunity to any and all Purdue innovators (students, faculty, alumni, other Purdue Affiliates) creating a startup company that impacts any related agricultural field, including animal health. Applicants must become active Purdue Foundry clients. Those commercializing Purdue intellectual property must obtain a full license.
What: Innovations can be anything impacting any related agricultural fields including, but not limited to, innovations advancing crop traits, generating higher yields, using big data to improve farm management, new uses of plants, animal health, precision agriculture, and advanced breeding techniques, as examples.
Application: To be considered for Ag-Celerator participation, a Purdue innovator and their team must review deadlines and complete the application form, including a business concept description and pitch deck at: purduefoundry.com/purdueventures
FALL 2021 Application Deadline:
September 20, 2021
Questions? Email pvinfo@prf.org