Meet Your Ambassador: Julia Hamblen

Name: Julia Hamblen
University: Purdue University
Major/Minor: Agricultural Education with a Wood Products Manufacturing Technology Minor
Semesters as a Field Atlas Ambassador: 5 Semesters
What do you enjoy most about the role?
I enjoy having the creative freedom to discover new ways to educate others on AgBioScience. I love everything about education, and this role allows me to conduct this in new and innovative ways all the time.
What has surprised you most about the agbiosciences?
It never ceases to amaze me how AgBioScience is an industry that truly affects every single person on this planet no matter where we are. I think it is so cool to be able to advocate and educate on an industry that touches all of us and to watch those “ah-ha” moments when I am talking to someone else about AgBioScience when they realize how cool the industry is as well.
Which agbioscience company interests you most, and why?
I may be a little biased, but I will have to say Indiana Soybean Alliance. I had the chance to intern with them in the summer of 2022, and it was one of the best experiences I have ever had. I had the chance to work in the Glass Barn and see all of the behind-the-scenes of renovating it that summer, and it was such a fun process to see progress and watch all of the kids learn about soybeans. Seeing their efforts surrounding education was exciting to be a part of.
How can students get in touch with you?
I can be reached at my AgriNovus email,