Internship Spotlight: Cameron Weber

What could a career at Corteva look like? Field Atlas ambassador Cameron is gaining some first-hand experience as a Greenhouse Assistant Intern in Puerto Rico this semester. From learning more about plant breeding and crop management to living in a new place almost 2,000 miles from home, Cameron dives into what it has been like getting outside their comfort zone and developing their professional skills through this opportunity.
Briefly describe yourself – where you’re from, area of study, hobbies, professional interests, etc.
I’m currently a senior majoring in Biology at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology. I am originally from Columbus, Ohio. Outside of school, I enjoy hiking, swimming, practicing yoga, thrifting, and spending time with family and friends. While in school, I enjoy working as a Field Atlas ambassador and being a Noblitt Scholar. After graduation, I hope to continue to build the knowledge and skills I have gained over the past few years Rose either in a Master’s program or by jumping straight into the workforce.
Briefly describe your current position at Corteva.
My current position at Corteva is Greenhouse Assistant Intern. This position involves learning about many different aspects of plant breeding and crop management. I spend time working in the greenhouses, the labs, and sometimes the office. I get to watch the process of how we go from seed to plant and back to seed. Every day I learn something new; from doing genetic backcrosses, performing innovative lab techniques, learning how to map a field for plantings, and working on the hydroponic system, I am kept busy every day!
What inspired you to apply for and take a position outside of the Continental United States and possibly outside of your comfort zone?
As much as I love Terre Haute, Indiana, the world is so large and there is so much of it I have yet to see. I have previously traveled to several other countries including Scotland and Ecuador, but I still felt like I was missing out on seeing the world while studying for my Bachelor’s degree. When I stumbled across the job opening in Puerto Rico on Corteva’s website, I thought about how perfect the job would be for me and how much I wanted to visit new places and experience other cultures. So I did it; I took the risk and applied. Like my mom always tells me, the worst they can say is no. After applying, I got an interview within a week and a job offer a few hours after the interview. You can only imagine my excitement at this incredible opportunity! Although I was nervous about the difference in language and how far away from home I would be, I accepted the offer because when else would I ever get an opportunity like this again?
How have the skills you’ve developed from your studies at Rose-Hulman allowed you to succeed in this position?
I’ll be the first to admit that Rose-Hulman is a difficult school, but the lessons I learned there, academically and personally, have taught me so much about myself and the world around me. At Rose, you are consistently challenged and pushed out of your comfort zone and you must quickly learn how to adapt and face new challenges with grace. This really helped me when I first arrived in Puerto Rico, as I was adapting to the cultural differences here. It also helps me troubleshoot issues and be more resilient at my current job. Rose teaches you, one, that you can do hard things, and two, how to actually do those hard things.
How has this position helped you develop as a professional?
This position has helped me learn more about the field of agriculture in general and taught me many new skills along the way. In the office, I learn how to use different software and improve my Excel skills. In the lab, I learn how to perform various techniques and build on my previous lab knowledge. In the field, I learn about the four different crops grown here and how to care for them until it is time to harvest. Overall, I have improved my technical abilities, refined my interpersonal skills, and, of course, practiced my Spanish!
What has been your favorite part of joining the Corteva team?
While what I get to do every day is super cool to me, the best part about joining the Corteva team is by far the people I get to work with. Every morning, each person you walk by greets you with a smile and says “¡Buen día!”. Their kindness always amazes me, from something as small as buying me a soda at lunch to rescuing me on the side of the road after getting a flat tire; people want to see you succeed. This culture I am a part of now inspires me and encourages me to be a better person for myself and those around me.
What are you most proud of so far as it relates to taking a role in Puerto Rico and starting your professional journey?
I am proud of myself for taking the risk and how I respond to new challenges each day. It is hard to be almost 2,000 miles from home and not be completely fluent in Spanish spoken here. Every day things have changed for me, grocery shopping and going out to eat became new challenges, but every day I step outside of my comfort zone, face these challenges, and learn something new.
What have you enjoyed doing outside of work in Puerto Rico?
Puerto Rico is such an amazing place with so many things to do, that it is hard to choose what to spend time doing! I have enjoyed swimming at several beaches, visiting El Yunque, and eating Puerto Rican dishes like mofongo at local restaurants. Last weekend, I explored a castle in the nearby city of Ponce. It is hard to believe that you don’t need a passport (as a US citizen) to come here because it is so unique and beautiful here. I am excited to continue exploring this incredible island in my remaining months at this job.
Where do you see yourself progressing in your career from here?
This job has shown me that I am definitely in the right field. I am very passionate about agriculture and how we can continue improving it to feed an ever-growing population. After I graduate, I would like to jump straight into the field of agriculture or I would like to get a Master’s degree related to agricultural management or plant breeding.
What advice would you give to other young professionals and college students that are actively applying to roles and getting ready to start their professional careers?
My biggest piece of advice to young professionals is to take the risk and apply to the job you think is “out-of-reach.” You never know what might happen, and maybe you’ll end up in a really great position for you.
Some more specific advice is to find a company whose values align with yours and look on their individual website for job openings, or reach out to current employees on LinkedIn. This helps you target your search and increases your odds of being noticed.
If you’re unsure where to start, check out Field Atlas at to explore careers and companies in agbioscience. You can take a career placement quiz, check out current job openings, and much more. And who knows, maybe you’ll find an exciting job and apply, and perhaps you’ll find yourself lucky enough to end up on a tropical island somewhere in the Caribbean!